Tuesday 15 May 2012

How to UNDEPLOY SOA Composite when soa-infra is down

How to Un-Deploy a SOA composite when soa-infra is down in Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g:
We deployed a BPEL component on our SOA managed server which lead to server crash. Even after trying to restart the server, the soa servers did not came up.
We were in a situation in which we were :
  • Unable to un-deploy the component which led to server crash
  •  Unable to start the servers.
In such a situation, we need to delete the BPEL component from the file system of the server(from the physical location)
SOA Managed servers have crashed. 

To recover from the issue, please start up the Admin Server of the domain and execute the below steps:

  • Copy the attached ShareSoaInfraPartition.ear(mail to amitja07@gmail.com for the attachement) file to the below location of the server.

$ cd MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin

Now give the below command:

$ ./wlst.sh
  • Once the wlst is initiated enter the below command:
    • connect()
    • After entering the above command, you would be prompted to enter your username, password and url. Please provide the details in the below format

  • After entering the above credentials, wlst would connect to the admin server of the domain.
  • Now run the below command to deploy the ShareSoaInfraPartition.ear
    • deploy('ShareSoaInfraPartition','ShareSoaInfraPartition.ear',upload='true')

  • After the deployment is done, run the below command
    • exportMetadata(application='ShareSoaInfraPartition',server='AdminServer',toLocation='/dbdump/OraSOAS/Oracle/ServerDeployedComposites',docs='/deployed-composites/deployed-composites.xml')
  where server='AdminServer' is the name of the admin server
  toLocation='/dbdump/OraSOAS/Oracle/ServerDeployedComposites' is a location on your physical server at which the deployed-composites.xml file would get created

  • Running the above command would create a folder named deployed-composites at the toLocation (which was given in the command). This folder would contain deployed-composites.xml

  • Open the deployed-composite.xml file and delete the entry  of the composite  which needs to be deleted .
  • After deleting  the entry, run the below command:
    • importMetadata(application='ShareSoaInfraPartition',server='AdminServer',fromLocation='/dbdump/OraSOAS/Oracle/ServerDeployedComposites',docs='/deployed-composites/deployed-composites.xml')
  •    After running the above command, please restart the servers (both Admin and Managed Servers)
  •   The component would be deleted from the servers.

Reference : 1380835.1 from the Oracle Support Portal