While doing cluster installation of Oracle Virtual Directory (OVD), we faced this issue. When you run from $ORACLE_IDM_HOME/bin, it goes successful and creates a ovd component, however it register it as ovd1 instead of ovd2 on second node.
Hence, folder structure created is something like this for 2 nodes:
on Node1: OVD1 server: /home/ajnode1/instances/ovdinst1/config/OVD/ovd1
on Node2: OVD2 server: /home/ajnode2/instances/ovdinst2/config/OVD/ovd1
Due to same name of ovd instance on both nodes, it creates a confusion and it is difficult to monitor.
It is a bug, and only solution is to manually create the component on second node.
a) Stop ovd2:
/home/ajnode2/instances/ovdinst2/bin/opmnctl stopall
b) Delete the component:
/home/ajnode2/instances/ovdinst2/bin/opmnctl deletecomponent -componentName ovd1
c) Create a new OVD component and name it ovd2 (fill the values accoring to your environment
-bash-4.1$ ./opmnctl createcomponent -adminHost <admin_host> -adminPort <admin_port> -adminUsername <weblogic> -componentName ovd2 -componentType OVD -admin cn=orcladmin -isAdminSSL true -ovdAdminPort <ovd_admin_port> -namespace <dc=your company,dc=com> -ldapPort <Non SSL Port> -ldapSport <SSL Port>
Command requires login to weblogic admin server (localhost):
Username: weblogic
Creating empty component directories...Done
Provisioning OVD files for ovd2
OVD creation in progress
Creating OVD specific directories
Copying Configuration Files
Registering OVD Ports
Updating OVD Admin Password
OVD Admin Password:
Setting CSF values
Updating Configuration Files
Adding opmn Snippet
Setting proxy mbean information
Registering ovd2 component
Command succeeded.
d) Restart the ovd server on second node.